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Papal Rome - Part IV

We've spent a lot of time talking about Germany and England lately, and while I'm sure there was a lot going on all over Europe during...

Papal Rome - PART III

John Wycliffe and Jan Hus John Wycliffe was an English man who lived from the mid-1320s to 1384. He had studied at Oxford University and...

Papal Rome - PART II

In the last section, we talked about the years leading up to 538 AD, and why 538 AD was the year that the papacy officially became a...

Papal Rome - PART I

The next period of time encompasses 1,260 years, and we're actually looking into the history before that, and probably a little bit...

New shirt!

I'm really excited about the new shirt I had made and wanted to share it here. I love it! Seen here, from left to right is the front and...

Sabbath will be starting soon!

Just a reminder that Sabbath will be starting this evening. I hope you have a wonderful day! #Sabbath #Jesus #Love

Summary so far...

I'd just like to take a moment and go back over what we've learned so far. We have several Old Testament prophecies that coincide with...

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

In Daniel Chapter 2, it is the second year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign in Babylon and he has a dream that he refuses to tell his wise men,...


Constantine's Parents Before we can move into the fifth head of the beast, we need to take a little time to get to know someone who had a...

Pagan Rome

This new beast is different...that's the best that can be said for it. In Daniel chapter 7, we go from seeing animals that we recognize,...


Alexander the Great of Macedonia was the son of King Philip of Macedonia, a small country in northern Greece. King Philip wanted...


Reminder: In Bible prophecy, beasts are used to represent kingdoms and ruling powers. The seven-headed beast of Revelation is not as much...


Babylon was the first major world power that turned its back on God. King Nebuchadnezzar actually called himself the Sun God and required...

The Beast

I would like to break things down about the Beast from Revelation 13, which is the same as the statue in Daniel 2:32-33 and Daniel...

Recognizing the Antichrist

I will be getting into more information about the Beast of Revelation 13 and want to bring this out so you can keep these ideas in mind...


It is important to understand the definition of blasphemy when looking at the Beast described in the book of Revelation. It's not just...


It is important to recognize how a day is measured in the Bible in order to know how and when to celebrate the Sabbath. In those days,...

Mark of the Beast = NO REST!

Many Christians choose to do work on all 7 days of the week. Work 6 days. No rest. Work 6 days. No rest. Work 6 days. Still no rest. God...

DO NOT Worship the Sun

This is one of the best verses I have found that describes how God does not want us to worship the sun, whether literally bowing down to...

DO NOT Worship the Sun!

The Bible tells us over and over not to worship the sun. This could mean a literal worship of the sun, and it can also mean a symbolic...

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